Hi all,

To add to the fun, we're getting really close now to actually transitioning
the NetBeans brand and domains to Apache.

I.e., netbeans.org and several other domains are in process of being
donated to Apache. We have the go ahead from Apache VP to open an INFRA
ticket for the transfer of NetBeans domain names to Apache, which I'll do
right after sending out this e-mail.

A related knock-on effect is that org.netbeans will be available for Apache
NetBeans Maven archetypes, since the netbeans.org domain will belong to

Anyway, lots to discuss here, and several loose ends and open items. If you
consider this as the start of a process, rather than the end of it, you'll
be in the right frame of mind. :-)

I'll post the INFRA ticket here as soon as its created, where we can track
progress, and will also put this thread in the issue so that we can keep
things co-ordinated.

If you're going to respond in this thread, please do try to be as compact
and to the point as you possibly can be.



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