

(Files checked, tests and examples checked (under mac and win))

11.04.2020 23:23, Aaron Radzinski пишет:
We've made another round of fixes. Note that the internal version of this
release is now 0.5.0-rc1. If and when voted in - we'll simply upgrade the
version to 0.5.0.

NOTE: the 'dist' location has double 'nlpcraft' folders which may look
suspicious. First 'nlpcraft' is a root for the project, while the second
denotes core project name. Note that we'll be releasing our sub-projects
(i.e. java client) under the root 'nlpcraft' folder so the dist location
will eventually have structure like this:
-- nlpcraft
   |-- nlpcraft
   |-- nlpcraft-java-client
   |-- nlpcraft-web-ui

Artifacts are under
1. Quick links for ZIP tarball
2. Mirror GitHub v0.5.0-rc1
<https://github.com/apache/incubator-nlpcraft/tree/v0.5.0-rc1> tag
3. JIRA resolved issues

The vote is formal, see voting guidelines here:
+1 - to accept Apache NLPCraft 0.5.0-rc1
0 - don't care either way
-1 - DO NOT accept Apache NLPCraft 0.5.0-rc1 (explain why)

See notes on how to verify release here:

The vote will be held for 72 hours and will end on April 14th 2020 at
midnight MSK.

Thank you!
Aaron Radzinski

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