I am continuing to accept changes to the (deprecated) NuttX
    on Bitbucket.org.  Can someone please inform me when INFRA is
    ready to
    instantiate the Apache Github repositories?  I will then make the the
    Bitbucket repositories read-only and prohibit forks and PRs. 
    Let's try
    to make that transition as "knife-edge" as possible.

After the bit bucket repos are made read only, I suggest to keep them available indefinitely, both for historical reference and for anyone who wishes to create something based on the original BSD-licensed code.

I will follow the recommendation of vote of the PPMC.  My plan was to remove them after a grace period to:  make it more difficult for people to create something based on the original BSD-licensed code and instead encourage people to use the Apache licensed code, and , more importantly, to make it more difficult to fork the BSD licensed code under a different, license that is incompatible with Apache.  Yours and mine are two differing positions.  I will follow the will of the PPMC in all things.

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