Hi Matias and Miguel,

I just tried nimble on nrf52832-mdk board without success:

$ ./tools/configure.sh nrf52832-mdk:sdc
$ make

It downloaded and compiled nimble for NuttX correctly, the nuttx.bin
was about 314944 bytes.

When I drop this file inside DAPLINK disk it tries to flash and create
the file FAIL.TXT with this content:

"The hex file cannot be decoded. Checksum calculation failure occurred."

Then I ran "make menuconfig" and enabled the "Intel HEX binary format"
and after copying the nuttx.hex to DAPLINK disk the error disappeared.

Accessing the nsh terminal I can see the nimble binary, but it is not running:

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0-RC1
nsh> ?
help usage:  help [-v] [<cmd>]

  .         cd        echo      hexdump   mkdir     ps        source
  [         cp        exec      ifconfig  mkfatfs   pwd       test
  ?         cmp       exit      ifdown    mkrd      rm        time
  basename  dirname   false     ifup      mount     rmdir     true
  break     dd        free      kill      mv        set       uname
  cat       df        help      ls        nslookup  sleep     umount

Builtin Apps:
  nimble  sh      nsh
nsh> nimble
nsh: nimble: command not found
nsh> ifconfig
bnep0   Link encap:UNSPEC at UP

nsh> nimble -h
nsh: nimble: command not found
nsh> nimble
nsh: nimble: command not found

Initially I thought it was caused by recent update of the nimble stack
on NuttX, but I moved to a commit previous to that update and still
facing same error.

Matias, do you think it could be some issue with my crosscompiler?

I'm using the default ARM gcc from Ubuntu 20.04 gcc-arm-none-eabi package:

gcc version 9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision
277599] (15:9-2019-q4-0ubuntu1)

Thank you very much!



On 5/25/21, Miguel Wisintainer <tcpipc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Matias
> Me and Alan will investigate!
> Thank you so much!
> Enviado do Email<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> para
> Windows 10

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