I was encountering the same error while trying to run NuttX 10.x / nimble
on NRF52832, tracked it down to insufficient ram available.
The nimble nsh-app were present in the builtin-apps internal lists, but
when trying to allocate application stack NuttX will return an error code,
and it seems all allocation error codes when trying to start an nsh-app
will result in that "command not found" error message.
I think enabling some memory debugging flags in nuttx will show you the
correct error.

So this isn't a nimble problem.

Med vänlig hälsning
Erik Englund

Innoware Development AB
Hyttvägen 13
73338 SALA

Org.nr. 556790-2977

Den ons 26 maj 2021 kl 01:42 skrev Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com>:

> The failure doesn't seem to have anything to do with nimBLE.  The nimble
> app is not running at all!
> Put a breakpoint on nimble_main().  I doubt that you ever get there.
> But I don't know why.
> The error report is probably misleading too...  I seem to recall that
> that there is an issue that the NSH error reported is always "command
> not found" even if some other error occurs.  It does mean that NSH could
> not run the built-in command, but it does not necessarily mean that the
> built-in command was not found.
> On 5/25/2021 4:51 PM, Alan Carvalho de Assis wrote:
> > Hi Matias and Miguel,
> >
> > I just tried nimble on nrf52832-mdk board without success:
> >
> > $ ./tools/configure.sh nrf52832-mdk:sdc
> > $ make
> >
> > It downloaded and compiled nimble for NuttX correctly, the nuttx.bin
> > was about 314944 bytes.
> >
> > When I drop this file inside DAPLINK disk it tries to flash and create
> > the file FAIL.TXT with this content:
> >
> > "The hex file cannot be decoded. Checksum calculation failure occurred."
> >
> > Then I ran "make menuconfig" and enabled the "Intel HEX binary format"
> > and after copying the nuttx.hex to DAPLINK disk the error disappeared.
> >
> > Accessing the nsh terminal I can see the nimble binary, but it is not
> running:
> >
> > NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0-RC1
> > nsh> ?
> > help usage:  help [-v] [<cmd>]
> >
> >    .         cd        echo      hexdump   mkdir     ps        source
> >   unset
> >    [         cp        exec      ifconfig  mkfatfs   pwd       test
> >   usleep
> >    ?         cmp       exit      ifdown    mkrd      rm        time
> >   xd
> >    basename  dirname   false     ifup      mount     rmdir     true
> >    break     dd        free      kill      mv        set       uname
> >    cat       df        help      ls        nslookup  sleep     umount
> >
> > Builtin Apps:
> >    nimble  sh      nsh
> > nsh> nimble
> > nsh: nimble: command not found
> > nsh> ifconfig
> > bnep0   Link encap:UNSPEC at UP
> >
> > nsh> nimble -h
> > nsh: nimble: command not found
> > nsh> nimble
> > nsh: nimble: command not found
> > nsh>
> >
> > Initially I thought it was caused by recent update of the nimble stack
> > on NuttX, but I moved to a commit previous to that update and still
> > facing same error.
> >
> > Matias, do you think it could be some issue with my crosscompiler?
> >
> > I'm using the default ARM gcc from Ubuntu 20.04 gcc-arm-none-eabi
> package:
> >
> > gcc version 9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision
> > 277599] (15:9-2019-q4-0ubuntu1)
> >
> > Thank you very much!
> >
> > BR,
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > On 5/25/21, Miguel Wisintainer <tcpipc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >> Matias
> >>
> >> Me and Alan will investigate!
> >>
> >> Thank you so much!
> >>
> >> Enviado do Email<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> para
> >> Windows 10
> >>
> >>

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