Thanks for this information Gaurav


Le 30/01/2018 à 08:03, Gaurav Saini a écrit :
Hello Sharan,

I am really excited to see this that we are thinking about participating in
Google Summer of Code this year and I can say from my personal experience
as a past GSOC student and mentor/org admin from last 3 years for different
organisations, GSOC really helps the project. I would be interested to
mentor the students also andf where ever I can help.

For the process I think we need to list the projects ideas on official
apache page so students can start looking into the ideas. Another important
point here I want to mention from my experience as a student while we
select a project, is that the title of the projects should be clear and
easily understood and technologies used should be a bit exciting so
students read about the project in detail.

Regarding the difficulty level and understanding OFBiz architecture they
have around good amount of time before the coding period starts so in that
time they can understand and try some tutorials that way they can speed up
the things. Also, many times what happens is project is not completed
entirely in single GSOC and that if fine as some work is done and can be
continued by another student in next year also.

Also, as mentioned atleast I have seen mentors need to spend around 6 hours
weekly with students so to keep track of the project. Daily check-in status
and weekly call with mentors really helps.

These are some of the points from my experience, would look forward to see
Apache OFBiz project in GSOC :)


On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 11:40 PM, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote:

Hi Michael, Sharan, all

I would volunteer as a mentor. Michael raised a good point regarding
the complexity level of the tasks assigned to these participants.

So the question is, what kind of tasks are suitable for such students?
It's hard to think of logic simpler than writing some documentation,
or some groovy services, or some unit tests. Do you have in mind some
tasks that might be simpler? Or do you simply think entry-level people
might not be able to absorb a framework like OFBiz?

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 11:47 AM, Michael Brohl
<> wrote:
Hi Sharan,

I think a participation in the GsoC is a good idea in general.

I'm not sure if the proposed topics are suitable for such a program,
especially if the students are not familiar with OFBiz. They need a lot
knowhow and learning before one can be productive and the mentors must
a significant amount of time to support them.

So, from the ASF perspective this might be a good idea, but for the
it is not efficient.

We should find some simpler topics for the GsoC to make this a reasonable
initiative. At the moment, I have not the right idea what this could be.

Best regards,


Am 25.01.18 um 15:02 schrieb Sharan Foga:
Hi All

The ASF is registering to be a participating organisation for GsoC 2018.
We are in the middle of doing a lot of work. Would it be interesting
for us
to add some of these tasks to the GsoC list and mentor some students?
It is
a good way of encouraging new people to become involved with the
project and
maybe also promote OFBiz too.

If any of our tasks are selected, then we would need official mentors
our community to work with the student on a regular basis to provide
feedback. There is also a regular reporting that the mentor needs to
about the student's progress.

If the mentor misses filing a report for a student then it reflects
on the ASF as a mentoring organisation. I mention this because it is
important that anyone wanitng to be a mentor for a GsoC student realises
that if they sign up to do it – then they need to do it!

Some initial suggestions for GsoC tasks from Taher were:

- convert minilang services to groovy
- documenting the components using the documentation framework we're
- convert integration tests to unit tests where possible

If you have any other suggestions for potential tasks then please
with the details.

None of this is any good – if we don't have any mentors, so we need
people willing to be GsoC mentors.

So what's next?

- First I'd like to get feedback on whether people think it is a good
for OFBiz to participate
- If, so then second I would like to see if we should use the
for tasks above or have any more
- Finally, and most importantly I'd like to know who would be willing to
be a mentor for a student selecting to take on one of our tasks

Please let me have your comments and feedback


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