Thanks Erwan,

That was not clear to me.

So then maybe we could discuss Pierre's proposition. But to have a real idea of the time added (not an estimate) if we use Ivy instead of having the libs in the repo, we need to have all done already...


From: "Erwan de FERRIERES" <>
2012/4/12 Jacques Le Roux <>:
To be frank, when I 1st read Pierre's proposition I thought it was a good
idea and just wanted to ask him for patches :p

Then I put my black hat (played the devil's advocate if you prefer) and
began to think about drawbacks and possibles issues. No Internet connection
poped to my mind and then those minor issues.

I now think that the no internet connection is indeed not a deep problem.
Because, like you said, you need initially to checkout

But for the slownesss I'm less sure. I just checked and I see that Ivy does
not see that it has already downloaded a lib and does it again. Can we
prevent that?

wrong, it checks in the .ivy folder.
If you look at the log, and the jar is already downloaded, it will
tell you downloaded 0 / copied 1 (or something like that).


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