On 05/24/2012 08:15 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
> On 5/20/2012 10:01 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Quick questions (seems that there is a lack of internal
>> documentation to say the least), there are not only addressed to
>> Adam...
>> About javacc dependency do we really need it *OOTB*?
>> Can't we use rather externally maintained ant targets like in
>> ant-contrib? For instance pleaser read
>> http://markmail.org/message/lidw73cuzyfr6cic
>> What is framework\sql used for *OOTB*?
> From what I understand, the sql component parses SQL statements into
> OFBiz entity conditions, and then executes the statement using the
> entity engine. I don't think it is used OOTB for anything, but it
> could be useful for integration with third-party libraries that take
> SQL statements - like Jasper Reports.

You can also parse *raw* where clauses.

import org.ofbiz.sql.Parser;
import org.ofbiz.entity.sql.EntityPlanner;

String sqlConditionString = "contactMechId = ?contactMechId";

def sqlPlanner = new EntityPlanner();
def reader = new StringReader(sqlCondition);
def sqlCondition = new Parser(reader).EntityCondition();

while (true) {
        def condition = sqlPlanner.getConditionPlanner().parse(sqlCondition,
[contactMechId: '1']);
        delegator.findList(entityName, condition, ....)

I suppose I should place some of that in a util class(SQLUtil comes to
mind, it was never finished).

I support (), and, or, in, between, it's rather complete.

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