Hi Craig,

please have a look at: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Addressing+Custom+Requirements+In+OFBiz#AddressingCustomRequirementsInOFBiz-ApplyingaPatch

Best regards,


Am 25.06.17 um 20:59 schrieb Craig Parker:
I'm looking at OFBIZ-9429.patch, and wondering how to apply it to a current install. I'm not sure which version I'm running though, can't see it in any of the unzipped files yet and I don't know where to find it in the software menu.

I used the main download zip, I beleive it was the first one to use gradle, and I don't think I've reinstalled since any updates came out -- I'm guessing 16.11.01. Is there a "how to apply a patch" doc somewhere? Was this email something for the dev list, or should I have asked over at user?

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