+1 for separate repositories.

Since they will be under the Apache Github Organization, it will also be
neater to browse them like this:


I recommend we keep the repository names starting with opennlp-....

For example :


What do you think?



On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Aliaksandr Autayeu <aliaksa...@autayeu.com>

> >
> > Why do you think it is better?
> >
> In general, separating apples from oranges. In practice, not having to go
> through irrelevant stuff while reading, searching, refactoring. Less stuff
> to clone for build automation. Smaller repos to clone in general.
> And you still can do all the above by cloning 4 repos into the same
> directory and setting up a single project in your favorite IDE, emulating
> current structure. But at least nothing forces you to do that as single
> repo forces you to.
> However, the above might be subjective. In this case commitocracy it is to
> decide.

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