Kay Schenk wrote:
Also, of more immediate concern is the archiving of the 3.4.0 source
release and possibly the 3.3. patch.

This shouldn't be a problem. Everything is already on the Apache archive server.

- 3.3 patch: http://archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/ooo/3.3/
- 3.4.0 source: http://archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/ooo/3.4.0/source/
- 3.4.1 binaries in German: http://archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/ooo/files/localized/de/3.4.1/

I don't see anything missing. The archive is obviously meant for archival and not for distribution, but it already contains everything we released so far.


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