On 01/09/2013 05:04 PM, Jonathan Simona wrote:
Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan Simona and I currently am attending the
university: Cal Poly Pomona in California as a Computer Science major.
Currently, I am taking a class on Software Engineering, in which we are
required to join an open source project and submit two "non-trivial
modifications or additions" such as bug fixes or adding a feature over the
next two months.

Even though I have decent knowledge about programming, I actually have no
experience in fixing bugs nor the knowledge of how to go in and submit
patches that will fix/modify bugs/features on open source projects. Since
this community seemed very friendly towards new users, I was wondering if
someone would be willing to show me the ropes and possibly point out two
novice-like, yet still non trivial, things I could possibly work on.

I thank everyone for their time in reading this email and to anyone who is
willing to reply.
I am surprised that there have been no answers. As a first step, I recommend that you download the code and build it. Are you able to do that?

After you can build AOO, next, pick an area of interest for you. and then perhaps look at the bug tracking system.

Sign up here:


Poking around a bug like this might be informative, but it might be tricky to find.


This might be easier to find as a starter bug


Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

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