Ariel, Yessica,

with OObase database, table and field names are case sensitive, their is no need to quote if: tables are lowercase and fieldnames uppercase.

if quotes are used, then leave the dots out of the quotes
sSQL= "SELECT ""mybase"".""cliente"".""saldo_saldo_actual"" WHERE...................." works


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 08:01:22PM -0300, Yessica Brinkmann wrote:
Hi, thanks for your answer.
Now I advanced.
I print the value of the client code correctly.
Only now I have another error, tells me that the Customer table does not
exist or something like this:
Basic runtime error. There was an exception. Type: Message: Table not found in statement
This may need to quote table and fields names:

    sSQL="UPDATE cliente SET cliente.saldo_actual =
cliente.saldo_saldo_actual + "& oTotal.getCurrentValue()& " WHERE
cliente.id_cliente=" & CInt(sCliente)
What is the name of the table? "CLIENTES" or "clientes"?


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