Hello, thank you very much for your answers. I created a macro as you show
me, and it works:
Sub modificacion
sSQL = "UPDATE ""cliente"" "& "SET ""cliente"".""saldo_actual"" =" & "
""cliente"".""saldo_actual"" + " & 1000 & " WHERE
 ""cliente"".""id_cliente"" =" & 1
End Sub
Also my original macro works, but the problem is it only works if manually
SETTING saldo_actual field to 0 previously. That is my macro works, now my
problem is that I can not put defaults to 0 to saldo_actual field. As I had
said in my previous mail, I put in value If required, I deleted all records
from the cliente table and have even removed all relationships with other
tables, just do not let me, I can not just save the changes made and the
cursor is just saldo_actual field.
2013/2/3 Fernand Vanrie <s...@pmgroup.be>

> i opened your base document , opened to edit your cliente table, close and
> run your macro
> now your macro works :-)
> Op 03/02/2013 13:38, Fernand Vanrie schreef:
>  Op 02/02/2013 11:20, Yessica Brinkmann schreef:
>>> Hello,
>>> Yes, I write: SELECT cliente.saldo_actual FROM cliente WHERE id_cliente=0
>>> and it works. It say: Command executed successfully.
>>> The column name is saldo_actual , so I wrote in my last version of the
>>> macro, which is in my previous mail.
>> If its run in a query, than it must also in the macro ?
>> TRYE to run a other macro with only the statement with the id and the
>> value hardcoded
>>> Regards,
>>> Yessica
>>> 2013/2/2 Fernand Vanrie <s...@pmgroup.be>
>>>  Op 02/02/2013 07:04, Yessica Brinkmann schreef:
>>>>   Hello,
>>>>> I wanted to ask if I can please help with this issue. Is that really
>>>>> need
>>>>> to implement this functionality for my database. The macro has no
>>>>> errors
>>>>> but UPDATE is not performed in the customer table. I do not know if you
>>>>> owe
>>>>> the event in which I am putting my macro, event currently in the Mouse
>>>>> button released Calculate Total button. Same should work if
>>>>> saldo_actual
>>>>> field for a record is empty it?
>>>>>  do the sql statement works when run from elsewhere (make a query to
>>>> test)
>>>>  I also see that all new users first make an introduction, I'm doing my
>>>>> thesis on  Computer Engineering and I am working Independent, as do
>>>>> systems. I have more experience working on Java and XML, but I think
>>>>> this
>>>>> is a nice opportunity to learn Visual Basic.
>>>>> My macro is now as follows:
>>>>> Sub ActualizarSaldoVentas (Evento)
>>>>> Dim oFrm As Object
>>>>> Dim oCliente As Object
>>>>> Dim oTotal As Object
>>>>> Dim oCon As Object
>>>>> Dim oStat As Object
>>>>> Dim sSQL As String
>>>>> Dim oRes As Object
>>>>> Dim rs As Object
>>>>> Dim sCliente as String
>>>>> Dim ColIndex as Integer
>>>>> 'Dim oIdPago As Object
>>>>> oFrm=Evento.Source.Model.****Parent
>>>>> If oFrm.hasByName("id_cliente") Then
>>>>>     oCliente=oFrm.getByName("id_****cliente")
>>>>> Else
>>>>>     Print "Cannot find id_cliente"
>>>>>     Exit Sub
>>>>> End If
>>>>>      rs=oFrm.createResultSet()
>>>>> sCliente=rs.getString(rs.****findColumn("cod_cliente"))
>>>>>          oTotal=oFrm.getByName("****fmttotal")
>>>>>      Print sCliente
>>>>>      Print oTotal.getCurrentValue()
>>>>> oCon=ThisDatabaseDocument.****CurrentController.****ActiveConnection
>>>>>          oStat=oCon.CreateStatement
>>>>>      sSQL = "UPDATE ""cliente"" " & "SET ""cliente"".""saldo_actual""
>>>>> =" &
>>>>> "
>>>>> ""cliente"".""saldo_actual"" + " & oTotal.getCurrentValue() & " WHERE
>>>>> ""cliente"".""id_cliente""=" & CInt(sCliente)
>>>>>      oRes=oStat.ExecuteQuery(sSQL)
>>>>> End Sub
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Yessica
>>>>> 2013/2/1 Yessica Brinkmann <yessica.brinkm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>   Hello,
>>>>>> I think maybe I should assign my macro to another event, perhaps one
>>>>>> associated with the form to work, I do not know, my idea is just.
>>>>>> Tempted
>>>>>> now assigned to mouse button released event of a button called
>>>>>> Calculate
>>>>>> Total.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Yessica
>>>>>> 2013/2/1 Yessica Brinkmann <yessica.brinkm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>   Hello,
>>>>>>> Thank you very much for the reply. Sorry, did not know that I should
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> put attachments. Now I have no errors in the macro, and I used the
>>>>>>> SQL
>>>>>>> UPDATE indicated. Just do not know why but UPDATE fails. So, when I
>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>> the table, I do not see the value of the changed field. I refreshed
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> table also but nothing. I printed the total value also to see if I
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> right and good. I do not know what is going wrong.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Yessica
>>>>>>> 2013/2/1 Fernand Vanrie <s...@pmgroup.be>
>>>>>>>   Ariel, Yessica,
>>>>>>>> with OObase database, table and field names are case sensitive,
>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> no need to quote if:  tables are lowercase and fieldnames uppercase.
>>>>>>>> if quotes are used, then leave the dots out of the quotes
>>>>>>>>    sSQL= "SELECT ""mybase"".""cliente"".""******
>>>>>>>> saldo_saldo_actual""
>>>>>>>> WHERE...................." works
>>>>>>>> greetz
>>>>>>>> Fernand
>>>>>>>>    On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 08:01:22PM -0300, Yessica Brinkmann
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Hi, thanks for your answer.
>>>>>>>>>> Now I advanced.
>>>>>>>>>> I print the value of the client code correctly.
>>>>>>>>>> Only now I have another error, tells me that the Customer table
>>>>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> exist or something like this:
>>>>>>>>>> Basic runtime error. There was an exception. Type:
>>>>>>>>>> com.sun.star.sdbc.******SQLException. Message: Table not found in
>>>>>>>>>> statement
>>>>>>>>>>   This may need to quote table and fields names:
>>>>>>>>>        sSQL="UPDATE cliente SET cliente.saldo_actual =
>>>>>>>>>  cliente.saldo_saldo_actual + "& oTotal.getCurrentValue()& " WHERE
>>>>>>>>>> cliente.id_cliente=" & CInt(sCliente)
>>>>>>>>>>   What is the name of the table? "CLIENTES" or "clientes"?
>>>>>>>>> Regards

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