
I've looked in Wikipedia
and for me it seems very reasonable to keep the old behaviour, as according to this article many math and other software treats 0^0 = 1 (see the paragraphs under "Treatment on computers").

According to the German wikipedia Donald Knuth refuses to define 0^0=undefined but claims = 1 because otherwise many mathematical theorema would need special case treatments.

So also mathematicians define 0^0=1. So let 0^0=1 in AOO.

Günter Marxen

Am 10.02.2013 00:43, schrieb Rob Weir:
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
A good practical example of backwards-incompatible changes in version 4.0 is
the behavior of Calc while computing 0 ^ 0.

You can find a long issue, with different points of view, about this at:
but in short:
- Obviously, 0 ^ 0 is an illegal operation in mathematics and the result is

Spreadsheets are used by businessmen and not only mathematicians.
Stability is important to them.  Getting different results in
different versions of OpenOffice would be a very scary thing.

- In 3.4.1, "=0 ^ 0" returns 1
- In 4.0, as patched by Pedro (see issue), "=0 ^ 0" would return an error
- According to ODF, valid results are 0, 1, error

In other words, the results we were giving before were entirely valid.

- We gain interoperability since Excel returns an error too

Microsoft has gone decades with treating the year 1900 as a leap year.
   Should we?

- We lose backwards compatibility if someone was relying on the fact that
OpenOffice returns 1 as the result of "=0 ^ 0"

Correct.  The fact is we have returned 1 for this calculation for over
a decade.  Whether mathematicians think it is right or wrong (and they
do not all agree), that is what we did.  So changing it now has the
potential to break real user spreadsheets. So this is a serious

I'm OK with the proposed change, provided we advertise it in the release
notes. I'm not aware of any cases where someone is actively using the fact
that in Calc 0 ^ 0 evaluates to 1, and even if someone did, I would say that
his spreadsheets should not compute 0 ^ 0 at all. A side benefit would be

For what advantage?  Better Microsoft interop?  OK. That is
reasonable.  But I would not support a similar change merely because
it amuses the mathematically curious.

that school students quickly wanting to find out what is the result of 0 ^ 0
would be told the truth (it's an error) instead of being presented with a
numeric result and no warnings. (Then the student would go on and write "= -
2 ^ 2" and have a lot of fun, but this is out of scope here).

We need to take our responsibility as stewards of OpenOffice
seriously.  And that means dealing with the fact that we have millions
of users and many millions of documents out there created with past
versions of OpenOffice.  We can't just change something because one
person feels like it.  Otherwise someone else can just change this
function back at a later date because they feel like it.  (ODF says 0
is also a permitted value.  Maybe someone wants to change to that?)
We need to discuss these kinds of changes.  Changing the behavior of a
Calc function, without prior discussion on the list, is entirely

Maybe this was not clear before, but as I stated in my other note, I
consider all changes that break backwards compatibility of public
API's and interfaces, including spreadsheet formulas, to be
controversial.  They should require Review-then-Commit.

Of course, having this discussion now, even after the code was checked
in, and starting to add info the Release Notes, is good progress.  But
I want to make sure we're all on the same page as to why such changes
are critical to have reviewed.

Is there consensus that this is a reasonable backwards-incompatible change,
or compelling reasons to revert it?

I already gave my concerns for accepting such changes:

1) We need Release notes.

2) We need Test cases

Dennis contributed the first.  It would be great to have a test
document attached to the issue so we can verify that other aspects of
the POWER() and associated ^ operator were not modified as well.  I
can come up with something and attach it to the BZ issue.




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