On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Honestly I'd say that if anything is clear,
> it's that changing away from the status quo
> currently enjoys zero consensus.
> As a Ph.D. mathematician who knows about Bourbaki,
> all I can say is that line of argument is curious
> here.  There are no authorities other than the spec
> to turn to about how you want POWER(0,0) to behave-
> as a function of 2 variables returning an error is
> probably best mathematically because the POWER
> function isn't remotely continuous at (0,0)

Sure it is not continuous at 0,0 but the sign function is not either,
that does not prevent sign(0) to be defined a 0
So continuity is not a necessary requirement.

>, but as
> part of an implementation of power series
> representations of sums involving 0^0, returning 1
> is better.

Indeed. I guess my point was : '0^0=1 is obviously(sic) mathematically
wrong' is just non-sens.
There are valid backward/cross-ward compatibility arguments, there are
valid implementation/performance arguments.
but the 'Mathematical correctness' argument (for either 1 or
undefined) is completely bogus.


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