On 2/14/13 2:29 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
> On 02/13/2013 02:46 PM, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
>> Independently of the vote result I will be effectively stopping the
>> development work I intended to do on Calc as I have lost all
>> interest on improving it given the current situation.
> I totally understand.

I don't understand it. You are doing great work and the project
appreciate what you are doing.
Now a fix you have made is controversial which is understandable when
taking the discussion into account. We have an old behaviour which is ok
from the spec and we have a new one which is also ok from the spec
perspective. You prefer the new one which reflect your fix, which is
fine. Others see a potential risk to break backward compatibility which
is fine as well. By the way I have personally no preference here ;-)

Now it is our responsibility to find consensus for the solution we want
support in the future. Many opinions and less who are doing the work,
not really surprising and a general problem of such a big project. But
we need to find consensus.

I am sure you would accept the result of vote (if necessary when no
consensus can be found) but at the same time you say that you will stop
all your intended work in this area. And that is something that I don't
understand. Well it's your decision and you can do what you want but is
this the right approach? I believe not.

I believe we should listen to each other and should at least try to
understand and accept other opinions. And fixes which have a direct
influence to our users are always special.

I learned it as well in the last weeks when discussion about
incompatible API/config changes came up that were long discussed and
planned and where people starting now to understand what it really
means. I still believe we need such changes but the way how we introduce
them is important. In this special case I believe we still have time to
inform extension developers and show the easy migration path.

We all have to learn that changes can result in controversial discussion
where at the end a decision have to be made (by vote if necessary but
not preferred). I know for sure that I will hate it if something that I
drive and where I do the work will be blocked mainly by people who
prefer talking. But I have to learn to accept it and will do my best.
Otherwise we will fail to move this project forward.

So please continue your work and discuss the changes on the dev list as
you did of course. And we all should try to give feedback early to any
kind of proposed change from anybody to find consensus early before the
work is done.

Sorry, a little bit off topic from the thread.


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