On 27 November 2013 19:40, Απόστολος Συρόπουλος

> Hello,
> I have come to the conclusion that OpenOffice cannot be configured (at
> least easily)
> to compile with GNU g++ under Solaris. So I have tried Solaris Studio.
>  Now I am
> getting the following error message:
> =============
> Building module soltools
> =============
> Entering /extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo-4.0.1/main/soltools/mkdepend
> Compiling: soltools/mkdepend/collectdircontent.cxx
> "/extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo-4.0.1/main/soltools/mkdepend/collectdircontent.hxx",
> line 6: Error: Could not open include file<set>.
> ......... Many lines deleted .............
> "/extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo-4.0.1/main/soltools/mkdepend/collectdircontent.cxx",
> line 4: Error: Cannot use const char* to initialize int.
> Compilation aborted, too many Error messages.
> dmake:  Error code 2, while making '../
> unxsoli4.pro/obj/collectdircontent.obj'
> 1 module(s):
>     soltools
> need(s) to be rebuilt
> Reason(s):
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
> /extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo-4.0.1/main/soltools/mkdepend
> When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by
> running:
>     build --all:soltools
> Since I have manually compiled the mkdepend tool, it seems to me that the
> problem here is that the make
> script forces the C compiler to compile a C++ file, which of course is a
> bug. I would really appreciate it
> if someone would tell me either how to "convince" the make script that the
> binary has been build (I have
> no knowledge of dmake!) or how to fix the building script to choose the
> correct compiler for the corresponding
> source file.
As with any makefile, the whole chain is checked, and when you are  in
soltools/mkdepend it check the object files against the source, and the exe
against the object files.

I work on changing the build system, and I often "cheat" the make system by
doing "touch <obj file>", that way its not rebuilt.

jan I.

> Regards,
> A.S.
> --
> Apostols Syropoulos
> Xanthi, Greece

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