
Thank you for reminding me about this message.  I have used your clues to dig 
into the code farther.  Remarks in-line below.

I am tired digging through the code for now.  

 -- in reply to --
From: Marcus [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 14:49
Subject: Re: Java 32

Am 12/10/2014 08:22 AM, schrieb Rory O'Farrell:
> Here is the message as quoted on the en-Forum
> "JRE is Defective
> No Java installation could be found
> Please check your installation"

thanks for your help.

I think I've found the locations in the code and it seems to be a 
combined text from 2 sources:
Line 86

   That code defines 5 dialog boxes, all about Java situations.
   The five STR_... definitions are for the titles on those
   dialog boxes.  

   Messages with those dialogs are produced by the file
   Main/svtools/source/java/javainteractionhandler.cxx in method
   JavaInteractionHandler::handle.  This function noses around
   And then produces exactly one of those 5 dialogs, without
   Any apparent modification of the messages. 
   If that analysis holds, it is easy to adjust the five
   messages.  Here are the exceptions that lead to
   each one, with the default title on the dialog box and
   the default message in the box.

   Title: "JRE required"
     %PRODUCTNAME requires a Java runtime environment (JRE)
     to perform this task.  Please install a JRE and 
     restart %PRODUCTNAME.
   [This is the only one to customize, I think.]

   Title: "Select JRE"
     %The %PRODUCTNAME configuration has been changed.
     Under Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Java, select
     the Java runtime environment you want to have used

   Title: "Enable JRE"
   %PRODUCTNAME requires a Java runtime environment (JRE)
   to perform this task. However, use of a JRE has been
   disabled. Do you want to enable the use of a JRE now?
   [Responses are Yes, No, Cancel]

   Title: "JRE is Defective"
   %PRODUCTNAME requies a Java runtime environment (JRE)
   to perform this task. The selected JRE is defective.
   Please select another version or install a new JRE 
   and select it under Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME
   - Java.
   Title: "Restart Required"
   For the selected Java runtime environment to work
   properly, %PRODUCTNAME must be restarted.  Please
   restart %PRODUCTNAME now.
Line 535

   The definition in conn_shared_res.src is a definition of the 
   string resource with ID of STR_NO_JAVA and initial value
   { Text [ en-US ] = "No Java installation could be found. \
                       Please check your installation."

   [Line break is my addition above to keep the lines short.]

   This line is internationalized in a ton of languages 
   elsewhere.  However, in code in trunk/main, this string 
   resource is only used in the following ways:

       #define STR_NO_JAVA ( STR_COMMON_BASE + 22 )
       String STR_NO_JAVA (setting the default message)

   The use in JConnection.cxx is on failure to get a JVM
   Connected for setting up a Java SQL Connection. 

   There are numerous usages of the function
   throwGenericSQLException( ).  When the final catch
   happens and a dialog comes up, the message is composed
   by combining messages from the cascade of exceptions
   that may be involved.  That takes more examination to
   find out where any other messages, if any, come from
   in this case.  This seems to be handled in 
   I don't think there is any cascading in this case,
   But more analysis is required.  I can see modifying
   the STR_NO_JAVA message text depending on how that
   turns out.  


[ ... ]

>>>> If you have a translation, the fastest way (it's in OpenGrok too, but
>>> in
>>>> huge files) is probably to search for it in Pootle:
>>>> and find the English original, then do the above.
>>>> Fixing the message should be quite easy too, but open an issue for it
>>>> and report the number here if you have doubts.
>>> OK, let's see.
>>> Marcus

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