On 02/11/2015 06:57 AM, Mathias Röllig wrote:
>> This ticket is dedicated to OOo 1.x and has its status fixed
> It isn't fixed! That is the problem.
> Setting this issue to FIXED without any change since 13(!) years offends
> anybody who is waiting for this feature.
>> So after +150 comments, it's very difficult to read.
>> Maybe, opening a new one for AOO 4.x will be better.
> To have the same discussion again? For the next 13 years?
> Sorry, don't understand your opinion.
> Mathias

Yes, I did indeed set this to "fixed", and really I still don't
understand why untoggling all views therefore producing just raw but
formatted text doesn't provide what is asked for here. Maybe screen
attachments to the issue would from other word processors that perform
the needed function would help.


"An old horse for a long, hard road,
 a young pony for a quick ride."
                 -- Texas Bix Bender

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