On 24 June 2015 at 18:28, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) <r...@apache.org>

> On 24.06.2015 11:01, jan i wrote:
> > On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, Michal Hriň <h...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> ... cut ....
> >>
> >> What about ACEU hackaton ? :)
> > rooms are available, so it is a simple matter of getting people to come.
> >
> > Nobody has volunteered to make a openoffice track, and looking at cfp, it
> > seems we
> > might end up without any aoo talks.
> hmm, just submitted a proposal yesterday evening, which sounds simliar to
> last year's, but is quite
> different: it will introduce (once more) a bird-eyes view of the AOO Java
> based scripting framework.
> Unlike last year it will concentrate on JSR-223 scripting languages (which
> implement the respective
> javax.script classes, introduced with Java 6) and introduce and
> demonstrate a reusable
> implementation for a Java bridge between a JSR-223 language (this time
> NetRexx) with the AOO Java
> bridge. The implementation will be in a way that practically everything
> can be re-used for any other
> JSR-223 language, by merely adapting a few locations of the introduced
> implementation. (The proposal
> is attached FYI.)
> If accepted, maybe it would be interesting to also offer a hackathon
> session for interested Java
> programmers who wish to integrate their favored JSR-223 scirpting engine
> with AOO (and thereby
> making it available as an AOO macro language)?

thanks for the submission, I actually looked at an extract from friday.

A hachathon or at least a meetup would be a nice thing. It is sure I will
be there, but I do not
know who else.

If you (or others) want to reserve space for a hackathon, please put it on
or mail me the information, then I can add it.

"official" hackathon will be added to the scheduler.

jan i.

> ---rony
> One prooposal for an AOO talk on this year's ACEU:
>     A Java Bridge between "javax.script" (JSR-223) and the AOO Scripting
> Framework, or: Turn Your
>     Favorite Java Scripting Language into an AOO Macro Language
>     Event
>     ApacheCon Core Europe
>     Submission Type
>     Presentation
>     Category
>     Developer
>     Biography
>     Rony G. Flatscher has been working as an Information System
> ("Wirtschaftsinformatik") professor
>     at the WU Vienna (with 25,000 business students one of the largest of
> its kind) where he has
>     been trying to empower the students with IT and IS skills to help them
> be more productive in a
>     business world that functions more and more on IT and IS. He has been
> an active promoter and
>     creator of many different open source software, including the
> (end-user suited) programming
>     language http://www.ooRexx.org. His work on ASF's Bean Scripting
> Framework (BSF) helped him to
>     serve as an expert on the Java Specification Request 223 (JSR-223)
> group which defined the Java
>     scripting framework, which got introduced with Java 6 (package
> "javax.script").
>     Abstract
>     Apache OpenOffice (AOO) implements a scripting framework in Java.
> Building a bridge to a Java
>     'javax.script' (aka "JSR-223") scripting language allows making it
> directly available as a macro
>     language to AOO. This presentation gives a bird eyes view of the AOO
> scripting framework, what a
>     bridge for a 'javax.script' scripting language needs to support,
> introduces and demonstrates one
>     such implementation making the NetRexx programming language available
> to AOO. As a result it
>     becomes very easy for any Java programmer to add her favorite Java
> scripting language to AOO (a
>     list of such programming languages can be found at
>     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_JVM_languages) by adapting the
> introduced bridge. The
>     necessary adaptations will be highlighted such that every Java
> programmer attending should
>     become able to create a functional bridge to another Java scripting
> language within an hour.
>     Audience
>     The audience is interested in the Apache OpenOffice (AOO) scripting
> framework and/or adding
>     programming languages to Apache OpenOffice as macro languages.
>     Experience Level
>     Any
>     Benefits to the Ecosystem
>     AOO may be enhanced by many new programming languages that can be used
> and dispatched as macro
>     languages.
>     Status
>     New

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