On 06/09/2015 Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
This is what we should learn—some suggested guidelines

Good suggestions. I agree. More comments below.

* ODF Plugfests are something we care about and deem important.

OK, and this means we have to be there.

* If community members are able and willing to present at and thus represent 
AOO at ODf Plugfests, then they should list themselves on a wiki devoted to 
this and also make sure that they post to the dev@aoo mail list their interest 
and ability in representing AOO at the plugfest.

The wiki page is already there at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Directory+of+Volunteers and people should list themselves there with "ODF Plugfests".

They should also subscribe to whatever (external) mailing list is used for organizing Plugfests; I'm not subscribed to any and I don't have information on this.

And yes, a couple words on how they can specifically help would be useful.

* If they need money to attend, let us all know on the dev@aoo list.
* If they cannot make it and if it seems as if no one can make it, yikes—maybe.

Money won't be a big issue, provided we allocate it in advance, like we do for FOSDEM. Then, nobody in the end ever asked for reimbursements for any event (even in cases where we had allocated a reimbursement). For FOSDEM the idea was, I think, to allow up to 200 EUR (around 200 USD) as flat contribution toward expenses.

* collateral material (eg, leaflets), etc. can be produced using our funds but 
we all need to know of this need and it must sit within our broader mandate as 
part of ASF as well as any local need.

Yes, perfect.


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