Am 04/04/2016 01:07 PM, schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
On 4/4/2016 2:28 AM, Marcus wrote:
It's simply a fact that we have no experts for Solaris and no testing

Solaris runs on Intel PC hardware, so no need for special testing hardware.

 From the late 1980's to 2002, I was a system performance analyst and
architect for servers that ran Solaris, while working for FPS Computing,
Cray Research Superservers, and Sun Microsystems. During that time, I
used it as the operating system on the workstation in my office. I was
involved in helping the Solaris developers make the changes to get it to
run well on 64 processor servers. I have used kadb to look at Solaris
internals, while debugging hardware.

I last used Solaris well over ten years ago, and don't know whether I
would qualify as an "expert" for this purpose, but I could probably
remember enough to be able to help a bit.

that sounds great. I didn't know this.

There is a real resource limit. I have a finite amount of time to spend
on AOO, and any time I spend on Solaris will be time I don't spend on
other subprojects.

Maybe you could have a look into the blog post from Apostolos [1]. He has described his way to build with gcc instead of Sun Studio. Then you can better judge how much time you can spent for the needed compiler change.




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