On 04/14/2016 08:10 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
On 4/14/2016 3:28 AM, Carl Marcum wrote:
On 04/14/2016 12:57 AM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

On 4/6/2016 3:27 AM, Carl Marcum wrote:
On 04/05/2016 09:57 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
I think you will get more votes with more instructions.

I've never done a gradle build, and have no idea how to do one. I'm
sure I could find out, but that is going to take time.

If you don't go that route you can get Gradle here:

Once you have it installed you can build the project with 'gradle jar'

$ gradle jar

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file
'C:\OpenOfficeDev\GroovyUNO\guno-extension-0.1.4\build.gradle' line: 83

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'guno-extension-0.1.4'.
> No such property: mavenUser for class:

Hi Patricia,

Looks like Gradle is evaluating variables that are read from my
~/.gradle/gradle.properties file.
These are variables that a user needs to keep out of SVN.

There is also a gradle.properties file under the project root, please
add this and retry the build.
Here is what I have in my gradle.properties:

signing.password=my key password

You don't need to edit the values.

If this solves it for you I can patch the RC and try again.

Are you sure I should need to use a maven account to do this test?

No you don't need a maven account to run the jar task. Only add the properties and values to the currently empty gradle.properties file under the project directory. Edit this file: /cygdrive/c/OpenOfficeDev/GroovyUNO/guno-extension-0.1.4/gradle.properties
by adding this text as-is:

signing.password=my key password

The gradle.build script will look for undefined variables in this gradle.properties file first and then in ~/.groovy/gradle.properties which is where my real ones were so the didn't end up in SVN.

These will not actually be used for anything unless the uploadArchives task is ran which will create jars, sign them, and upload to Maven repository.


I unzipped the RC, and then ran "gradle jar" in its root directory. Is that what I should be doing. I do not seem to currently have any gradle properties:

Patricia@Jan2014Desktop /cygdrive/c/OpenOfficeDev/GroovyUNO/guno-extension-0.1.4
$ ls ~/.gradle
ls: cannot access /home/Patricia/.gradle: No such file or directory

Patricia@Jan2014Desktop /cygdrive/c/OpenOfficeDev/GroovyUNO/guno-extension-0.1.4
$ ls
build.gradle  gradle.properties  LICENSE  NOTICE  README.md  src

Patricia@Jan2014Desktop /cygdrive/c/OpenOfficeDev/GroovyUNO/guno-extension-0.1.4
$ more gradle.properties

Patricia@Jan2014Desktop /cygdrive/c/OpenOfficeDev/GroovyUNO/guno-extension-0.1.4

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