Well a lot of people align them self with Apache open office. Maybe we
should link our page with what people use?
I am sure that it's possible but not very familiar with face book. (Don't
use it for putting my life online :P )

Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> schrieb am Mi., 30. Nov. 2016, 00:16:

> Am 11/29/2016 11:34 PM, schrieb Matthias Seidel:
> > This is the GIMP file so you can easily update the numbers and export to
> > PNG:
> >
> > https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48386075/200MioAOO.xcf
> ah, this should be saved as well. Can you please commit this? Then it's
> easier for the next time.
> Thanks
> Marcus
> > Am 29.11.2016 um 22:45 schrieb Raphael Bircher:
> >> Hi Matthias
> >>
> >>
> >> Am 11/29/2016 um 9:59 PM schrieb Matthias Seidel:
> >>> Hi Raphael,
> >>>
> >>> if you want to update the graphic on facebook you can take this one
> >>> here:
> >>>
> >>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48386075/200MioAOO.png
> >>>
> >> Thanks! I uploaded it now.
> >>
> >> Regards, Raphael
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