On 09/18/2017 06:30 PM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 7:44 PM, Herbert Duerr <h...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 09/17/2017 04:04 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> On 14/09/2017 Dave Fisher wrote:
>>>> does SVN vs. GIT prevent new developers from volunteering?
>>> I think this is the key question, even though there are many good points
>>> also in what others replied.
>>> We currently have a couple semi-official GIT mirrors: one on Github in
>>> the ASF organization page and the internal one Herbert pointed out. I
>>> also remember that Herbert once presented a big GIT repository he had
>>> built with all the available history of the OpenOffice code, but I don't
>>> know if it is available somewhere.
>> I had that 2GB blob on my Apache homepage for a couple of years. When
>> that home was migrated to the newer locations it was apparently dropped.
>> Unless someone mirrored the blob it is currently not available anymore.
>> If anyone is really interested in that ancient history I can probably
>> resurrect it unless 2+GB blobs are no longer allowed in committer's home
>> directories.
> That would be great. I need the old repository to regression test an old
> bug in Base. However, is it legal to have commits from the pre-ASLv2 era?

The related presentation is still available at [1], and I found my blob
of the historic repos in [2]. Enjoy!

[1] http://home.apache.org/~hdu/HistOOory_Presentation.pdf
[2] https://dev-www.libreoffice.org/extern/HistOOory_v0.9.zip

>>> I believe that the interested developers (including me, at times) use
>>> the git-svn tool when convenient. I think that this is enough to allow
>>> the local workflow improvements Damjan was requesting. Or do you see
>>> reasons not to use it?
>> OpenOffice is only a small part of the Apache subversion repository that
>> contains many more projects. Most revisions in that repo are not for OOo
>> and git-svn apparently has a hard time with this. It is possible but not
>> much fun.
> Excellent insight. Never thought of that. git-svn is almost unusable then.

I think that it could be possible to improve git-svn in cases such as
the multi-project Apache svn-repository, but that scenario + devs in an
svn-project using git as their main repo tool is unusual enough that it
is not worth too much optimization effort.


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