Am 03.12.2017 um 10:14 schrieb Marcus:
> Am 02.12.2017 um 23:21 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
>>> On Dec 2, 2017, at 8:39 AM, Marcus <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Am 02.12.2017 um 13:22 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>>> Despite of the name it could be the icon of the dmg file? I don't
>>>> know where this icon set is visible... ;-)
>>>> Apart from that: +1 for a public beta.
>>>> But we should build "real" beta builds, with the appropriate
>>>> naming/graphics:
>>> oh yes, good hint. IMHO the splash screen and start center graphic
>>> should show clearly that this is a beta release. Plus different
>>> filenames for the installation files.
>> Here are the results on macOS:
> that looks great. On the start center it's a bit different. "beta"
> should be aligned with the productname/version like for the splash screen.

These are the original graphics from 2014...

Technically seen there is no way to put the "beta" behind the product name:

But I am working on that for a while and I would like to propose a
"redesign" of the Start Center:

Of course this would include a nicer version for beta builds.

Regards, Matthias

> Marcus
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