Am 08.01.2018 um 23:52 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> Matthias Seidel wrote:> Am 08.01.2018 um 22:06 schrieb Marcus:
>>> Hm, do we had notifications for 3.3.x when 4.1.4 (and older) was out?
>> Yes, until 2014. [1]
>> Somehow we stopped notifying our "old" users after 4.1.1 came out.
>> I always found it irritating that the notification did not mention the
>> newest available version...
> There were some reasons for this (for example, support for some
> languages had been dropped -in terms of released binaries; sources
> still contained, and still contain to date, all translations- with
> version 3.4); 

In case of Arabic, this is handled by the script and those users only
get the notification for 3.4.1.

> but the real reason was probably laziness combined with the belief
> that people who were still on 3.3.x would be few and uninterested in
> upgrading. If Google Analytics is showing a different trend, nice to
> know it!

The trend is not a massive one, but there are constantly 3.x upgrades...
Even my brother in law still has OOo 3.3 installed. Well, I will have to
upgrade his version!

Regards, Matthias

BTW: Over 1 million downloads of 4.1.5 now ;-)

> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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