Am 29.07.19 um 00:53 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
On 28.07.19 23:10, Marcus wrote:
Am 28.07.19 um 21:31 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
Cms will be shut down soon. The question is how we deal with this.
Info is in the chat protocol in my original post.

OK, then we will have a big problem in order to serve our website pages.


There are no deadlines yet. Just whishes on time frame. There is current
a loose target at Infra in 3 month. Lets say november. If we manage to
switch at december we will still be fine.

Infra offers an incompatible replacement suite. Maybe there will be
migration scripts helping us with the migration.

I would like more to move to a easy to use cms system that might help us
to reduce tech diversity and maintenance. I am quite fond of neo (1)

Neo looks interesting since it promises a easy to use front end, multi
language setup of content and the ability to integrate other sites and
resources, while technical relative "easy" maintenance.

Both Ideas sound like promising ways. with pro and cons. I am open for
more ways.

I hate to be the bad guy. However, there is another point that we need to take into account which is very important:

As we haven't much people that can do such a big migration step, we really need to go the easy way.

So, when the Infra team has finished their substitution and it has no big obstacles (from our point of view), then we should take this.


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