Am 21.04.22 um 23:43 schrieb Carl Marcum:
On 4/21/22 4:15 PM, Marcus wrote:
Am 21.04.22 um 14:57 schrieb Carl Marcum:
Does anyone know what the list_id parameter is for in the URL after a search?


I did a quick search with Google (bugzilla url list_id) and found this as first hit:

So it seems the list_id may be a saved result, meaning if something happens to an issue that would change the search result list it would not be updated when using the list_id in a URL. You have to do a new search or not include the list_id in the URL to get the current results.
At least that is the way I'm understanding it.

Now my questions is:
When we provide a URL like this in a release blog post or announcement should we do a new search and use the list_id in the URL so we have a snapshot in time or
not include it so each user gets an up-to-date result?

For example, if an issue is changed from fixed to reopened, do we want that issue to appear in the list after that or not?

It might be easier on the database if we use the list_id at release time so everyone that follows the link isn't creating a new entry as long as we're okay with the snapshot in time list.

as we present a software release which is fix when published, so it cannot be changed afterwards, I would prefer to deliver a list of its issues which is also fixed. So, let's include (and just keep) the URL paramter.

My 2ct.


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