Hi Damjan, Pedro, All,

Am 01.05.24 um 03:42 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 10:55 AM Pedro Lino <pedro.l...@mailbox.org.invalid>

Hi Arrigo, all

On 04/27/2024 5:36 PM WEST Arrigo Marchiori <ard...@apache.org> wrote:
The build can be downloaded from here:


Tested in Ubuntu 20.04 x64 and WebDAV works perfectly!

Cherry-picking was not a trivial task, because AOO42X was quite
behind. It still is, WRT Damjan's last work on 32 bit indices. One
step at a time... :-)
Maybe it is easier to delete the current 42x branch and start a new 42X
branch? If any patches were added to 42X only (and they are still
relevant), then these should be cherry picked to trunk before splitting...


The AOO42X branch is quite old. Development only really happens on trunk.
The best maintained branch is trunk, and any branches should be as close to
trunk as possible.
Trunk is an unstable branch.

Everything we want to have in AOO42X (which was branched from trunk some years ago) should have been cherry-picked early.

Also why is the next release 4.2.x? Haven't we made enough changes for
5.0.x? If not, what should be in 5.0.x?
It is quite hypothetical to discuss about versions we are NOT capable to release.

The next version we CAN release is 4.1.16 (AOO41X).

If we become able to do a release for a newer branch (AOO42X), we should simply release what we have...



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