Hi Daniel,

>>Well, at least the last point of the statistics (the only one I ever
>>used: the number of leaked objects) serves exactly this purpose. It
>>would, for instance, enabled QA to regularily do leak tests on certain
>>usage scenarios.
> LeakGuard OSL_ASSERTs if the object count is non-zero upon process
> shutdown.  IMO statistics like "how many objects have been created,
> destructed" ought to be shifted into another diagnostics class, keeping
> the purpose of LeakGuard clear.

Ehm, yes - that's what I tried to say. I agree that the semantics of the
LeakGuard should be kept clear and straight-forward. But this so far
doesn't disallow doing shutdown-time statistics of *leaked instances*,
does it? Everything else (instances created and the like) is indeed not
in the scope of a LeakGuard.

>>Uhm, don't really care. Just assumed OSL because I think it could be
>>part of a "diagnostics framework", and today's diagnostics are in OSL.
> Good point.  So LeakGuard ought to be in osl/diagnose.hxx?

let's not put too much into a single file ...
If we agree that Leakguard is a diagnose tool like OSL_*, then it should
be in module osl (or in the same module as later, new, diagnostics
helpers), too. Else, I don't really care whether osl or rtl ...

> And what about a different name?
> class C : private osl::leak_guarded<C> {...};

Don't have an opinion on this ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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