Hi Malte,

> We should talk about the LeakGuard when consolidating the debug macros,
> as Frank suggested.
> Please don't introduce before.

Uh. Let's not wait for something which perhaps happens in 2007.
Introduce it when it's there, and when it's needed: now.

> I also suggest to have a macro for it, which simply expands to nothing
> in product builds.

Why? The solution to derive from this class seems pretty elegant to me,
I don't see a need for a macro here.

> If we do anything in this direction, I think it shouldn't be only leak
> detection, but statistics and logging too.

I have to agree to Daniel here that we perhaps shouldn't necessarily mix
*all* this into *one* class. A LeakGuard should be about leak detection.
IMO, this includes statistics about leaked objects, but excludes
statistics about instance counts or so.

> For leak detection, there are enough tools which don't require any code
> changes.

But they require code instrumentation, don't they?
I like the idea of having a tool which is enabled in non-product builds
*by default*, enabling *everybody* (including QA) to check for leaks
without any additional effort.


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- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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