Hi Johannes,

compiling OOo is difficult, no doubt. Four main reasons for that:
a) it's probably a magnitude bigger than most other OpenSource projects
b) it's in a constant flux
c) it's has a hell of dependencies
d) C++ compilers are still more varying than say C compilers, so choice
   of compilers matters
e) it's runs on a many diverse platforms, thus increased complexity

We (that is the OOo developers) do our best to keep everything working but things will break sometimes. Looking back at your original post it seems that you didn't build module 'epm' and you seem to miss the module 'unodevtools' completely. 'epm' is the packager, so it's no wonder you didn't get any packages.

Getting started with OOo development can be daunting, that's true. If something breaks you can ask here or on IRC. If you can prove something is broken, file an issue. As in any OpenSource project it may take some time to get an answer and sometimes you'll get no answer at all. On the other hand, asking how it could be that the maintainer create such a fragile product might not lead to someone of the maintainers lending a helpful hand ...


Johannes Walther wrote:
--- Henrik Sundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I got very nice, quick, and helpful responses
when I had problems compiling the code with only the
free versions of MS compilers.

Could it have anything to do with the way You ask for

Maybe it has, but I can't say. You're free to read my
post from 2006-03-02 13:11 and tell me if it was
written in bad style - but produced no result though.

My post from last hour wasn't to ask for help
compiling - at the moment I gave up, being frustrated
after sitting here for nearly ten hours without
anything done.
I just wanted to know why the code produced by the
maintainers is so fragile, so uncompilable - or the
other way around the docu/tools are that



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