Stephan Bergmann writes:

> Just kidding, you folks, I assume.

I understand that reverting this is not an option.  With this new
breakage however, there is no obvious and simple place to share the
latest development efforts and to get others involved.  These are in a
GIT archive based on ooo-build's feature frozen 2.4 branch.

> How is that test application intended to be used?

It is run from the toolkit/workben/layout directory and makes use of a
succesful OOo installation.  It now dies failing to init UCB, just
like gengal ( ).


>From the new README

    Testing workbench and editor for Layout engine.

    * Configure using --enable-layout.

    * [d]make all

    * [d]make install DESTDIR=$(pwd)/ooo-layout/

    * Compile test program in toolkit/workben/layout

      cd toolkit/workben/layout && dmake all

    | Currently broken on dev300 installation: m3 < dev300 <= m10.
    | * Run it on any .xml file
    |   ../../$INPATH/bin/test --inst .../ooo-layout/ zoom.xml
    | * Run it for specific dialogs, see test.cxx
    |   ../../$INPATH/bin/test --inst .../ooo-layout/ --test zoom
    |   ../../$INPATH/bin/test --inst .../ooo-layout/ --test wordcount
    | * Or source refresh in workben/layout, do something like
    |     cd toolkit/workben/layout && . ./refresh --inst .../ooo-layout/

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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