Christian Lohmaier skrev:
Hi Marcin, *,

2009/7/16 Marcin Miłkowski <>:
Christian Lohmaier pisze:
I still disagree. Basically /all/ of the questions asken on IRC about
building OOo were because people are unable to read configure or
because they don't use vanilla build system. Most of those didn't
bother to read any instructions, didn't look for instructions.
I could reply that probably using IRC is eating their brains ;) as most
questions asked at dev seem to be quite different.

Those questions will not be answered by a building OOo for newbies guide.
The one I remember fall into the not using vanilla OOo/not taking
advice given category.

To get this straight:
I'm /not/ against consolidating the pages, au contraire, I support
getting rid of old pages.
I am against yet another place (instead of reusing the existing pages)
I am against the structure as it appears now

I doubt that the new documentation will cause less questions.

I'm speaking for myself only, and of course don't tell anybody to stop
with the efforts.

This documentation will replace the current wiki pages, including the build guides at tools.

So you will find a less number of pages than before.


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