
Currently, OOo uses boost 1.34.1 for platforms with a GCC >=4, and boost
1.30.2 + a separated spirit 1.6.1 for all other platforms (see
boost/download in the source tree).

For various reasons, we'd like to clean up this mess, and move to a
single version (containing spirit).

This could be boost 1.34.1, but given that this version is pretty old
already, we'd prefer a recent version - boost 1.39.0, that is.

The work for this is ongoing in CWS boost134. In this CWS, a move to
1.39 has been done, and it compiles on the standard build platforms
provided by Sun HH: Solaris Intel/Sparc, Linux 32/64, Mac OS X, Windows.

We invite everybody porting OOo to another platform to give feedback to
this project. As rumor has it, boost 1.39 creates problems when used on
some platforms (either at compile- or runtime), so if your platform is
know to be one of those, or if you just want to be sure - please give
the CWS a try.

If boost 1.39 proves to be too problematic, an option would be to indeed
stay with 1.34 (on all platforms). This would require reverting a few
changes in the CWS, but on the "standard" platforms mentioned above, an
older version of the CWS, using 1.34, also compiled fine.

Any feedback is appreciated.

As an additional note, it has been suggested to not commit the
boost*.tar.gz to boost/download, but make it a pre-requisite which needs
to be downloaded before building. This would (for 1.39) save >50M in the
repository for every version ever committed there.
Opinions on this plan are also welcome.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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