
First off, I need to say that this is -not- a message complaining about rich
text format support. Now that that is out of the way...

I would like to volunteer my services to help improve the RTF support for
openoffice.org writer. However, I am a fairly new programmer and would
require some guidance getting into the code base, and also some guidance on
how to work with a large project such as this one.

The first question is probably: Why would I want to improve RTF support?
Well, my college uses exclusively Microsoft Word for essentianally
everything, and doesn't support anything else well. The only concession they
will make is to allow submissions in, and send documents in, RTF format.
Since RTF support isn't the best right now, i'd like to see if I can manage
to improve it, even if only a little bit. I had a discussion about why I'd
want to do this here:

If anyone has the time to point me in the right direction, it would be

Thank you,
Chris Carpenter(mordocai)

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