The problem with Shapefile support is that the datamodel of OSM is not very well suited for direct translation into Shapefiles. there are several issues:

A shapefile only supports one feature type. So one export would need to have at least two (ideally 3) shapefiles for points, lines, areas. Areas (polygons) are also only defined through the tagging scheme, so any converter will need to be constantly updated from the wiki page to correctly identify and convert lines to areas.

The data schema with its multiple tag value pairs as well poses some problems. The shapefile will need to include columns for all tags included in the export. This impacts negatively performance importing and processing shapefiles. Also, multiple values for the same tags pose a problem in such a scenario.

I have personally developed a import script for OSM XML data (obtained from the API) for the Manifold GIS software. My workaround for the performance issue with multiple columns was to only retain the OSMID in the actual Geometry layer, and save all tagging data in a separate table as OSMID, tag, value triplets. One can then join back relevant tags as needed.

I dont know about the data structure of KML or GML. as these are XML as well though they might prove easier?

Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
<quote who="Axel von Matern">
- Is it possible to import the XML-file into Illustrator?

Related question:

Would it be possible/easy to export a shapefile, or GML, or KML, or any
other professional-looking format?

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