I wouldn't really tag hospitals with religion=something. Rather it
should be culture=something as even people who aren't religious like
to use symbols which are specific to a culture. Saying that a building
has a religion is like saying that one-year-old child has a religion.
It just doesn't make sense.

To make an example, I'm quite confident that no muslim living in the
UK has something against rendering hospitals with a cross and no
atheist living Beirut has anything against rendering a hospital with a
crescent. It's just a local custom and has nothing whatsoever to do
with religion.

2008/8/18 spaetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 05:36:57PM +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
>> It was more that the idea of putting a religion tag on a hospital
>> seemed kind of very wrong to me...
> Fully agreed. IMHO, it's the same issue that some countries like motorways on 
> their map orange, while others want them purple (or whatever). It requires 
> contry (or cultural) specific rendering rules, which we just don't have 
> (yet). So I don't think that tagging it as
> aminty=hospital;religion=muslim would be the sensible thing to do here, even 
> if it enabled us t render them differently in the short term.
> spaetz
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