especially for you, google invented 'mail goggles':

no seriously: stefan is a nice guy and he made a valid point here.

i am also really amazed this is possible. but imo we should blame the api,
not potlatch.


Stefan de Konink schreef:
> Hash: SHA512
> Andy Allan schreef:
>> I'd suggest that you calm down a bit. This behaviour is fully
>> supported by the API, so your assumption that {wayid,key} can be made
>> a primary key is the problem.
> I had a nice dream about walking corpses in a theme park, so you can be
> sure I am relaxed now ;)
>> And stop reflexively blaming Potlatch, it's not cool to do so.
> It was the only edit in the Dutch data set that had this issue.
> Frederik Ramm schreef:
>> Writing to a foundation member about anything that concerns OSM
>> operations is just plain stupid because the foundation has no say in
>> things like protocol and data model.
> I was informed that the Foundation took care of issues that could be a
> concern for OSM. I think this technical issue is a concern that can
> degrade the value of edits in OSM, using an less restrictive editor.
>> But it is not
>> something that requires immediate action.
> If 0.6 is not supporting it, it should not be possible to enter the data
> today. (imho)
> Richard Fairhurst schreef:
>> Stefan de Konink wrote:
>>> Then disable *ANY* edits with this borked editor: "Potlatch 0.10c" and
>>> revert back to a version that did not produce duplicates.
>> Er, hate to rain on your parade, but if you'd actually have taken
>> 0.00001us to look, you'd see that Potlatch 0.10c has already been
>> superseded.
> Can I conclude that regression testing is something that should be
> implemented for any editor? Or do you place the blame yourself at the
> API that allows this, while any other editor will drop this?
>> Incidentally, we're all volunteers, "please" and "thank you" and "I
>> beg from the depths of my heart" work a lot better than "I *DEMAND*
>> you do *THIS* or I will *SHOOT* you oh and I'm telling *TEACHER* about
>> you".
> Yes, and spending two hours of time to find out that some editor is
> doing things that nothing has done before is a volunteer frustration.
> (Writing email at 3am is too).
> I think we should fix this issues where there is so added value of
> duplication soon. I'm happy to do it manually using one of my parsers,
> does anyone has serious objections against it?
> Stefan
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