
We have just seen that a portion of the map I edited yesterday with
Potlatch is now really broken, is missing lots of points and has its
history broken.


This is easily visible when comparing mapnik and osmarender views and
confronting them with the data.

What's even more weirder is the fact that if I try to edit with
Potlatch, the way is displayed correctly, as if stale data was read of
as if Mapnik's data was read.

I tried to use JOSM and I saw that the broken data is shown (the
straight line, not the old good data).

I also tried changing the browser and the bug is reproducible (on
Firefox and on Epiphany; platform is Debian GNU/Linux amd64 (x86_64) ).

Please help, this is the worst bug I've seen in Potlatch and it has a
huge impact on its usability and reliability. At the same time, I am
starting to get worried about the correctness of the data I am seeing
and I am worried about Potlatch trashing the data is touching.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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