
Nic Roets wrote:
From Wikipedia's experience we know that people are hesitant to
contribute to anything with a corporate affiliation to it. ("Why
should I do anything more than report a bug ? They have so much money
that their people can fix the data" )

I would love that to be true but the popularity of Google Map Maker seems to prove otherwise. On the whole, I don't think people even care.

The other choice would be a second non-profit site. Kind of like
Debian is to kernel.org. The site would try to capture it's own
donations. So it would limit the number of links to osm.org e.g. by
embedding Potlatch. And it would not want to spend money on
development, so it would copy large parts of osm.org. So it will be
just a few steps away from becoming an outright fork...

I don't see a problem with there being such a site. I'd request that they make clear that they are not OSM, and do not own OSM, but I think Debian does that pretty well with regard to Linux.

(Ideally, I'd love there to be a handful such sites, just as there's a handful of good Linux distributions, each catering to the whims of a different audience.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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