
> > Exemples of bad requests are :
> >
> That looks like something I need to investigate. My guess is that it is 
> hitting the timeout but it should be reporting that better.

I guess you guessed it well, there is just "too much" (to the extent of 
what "too" means in this case) data in this relation, and the /full calls 
push it to hit a well placed timeout

> Well that's not an error, it's a deliberate limitation of the API.
> Again that is a deliberation limitation of the API to converse resources 
> and share them fairly.

I did not mentionne anywhere those were errors.

I do know it is intentional, I stated it in my previous email.
What I'm discussing and exploring is the possible existence of improvement to 
satisfy currently "bad requests" still usefull in the mapper's editing 

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email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org

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