It is not necessarily about changing WHAT is displayed but changing HOW it is 
displayed. Current style is simply not up to the standard in terms of esthetics 
for a project that aspires to be more than a database.


Simon Poole <> wrote:

>Am 13.10.2012 00:40, schrieb Michal Migurski:
>> How does a new map style typically graduate to use on as an option? 
>My personal view on this is that anybody expecting that simply replacing
>the current default displayed style with a different one will change
>anything is kidding himself in a big way. The pressure to include
>everything and the kitchen sink will not go away and instead just
>refocus. It might be good idea to change the misleading labelling of the
>default style to make it clear that we don't think the standard for an
>OSM data derived map should be totally overloaded, but again that is
>just me.  
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