Hello everyone -

> ## Getting data out of osm.org
> - Export tab on osm.org is one of the most popular
> locations, but needs a lot of improvement. E.g. it does not explain how the
> downloaded data can be used. How can export be more actionable?
> - if an export fails due to its size, it's not
> clear where to go to get a larger dump.

We could let various services let plug-in into the export dialogue and 
completely remove the raw data export (the rest works on some random tests).

Implement some registration process on the server such that the UI makes a 
callback on the chosen service with the selected bounding box.

Overpass API (and jXAPI if there is a running instance) can deliver much 
bigger areas and just takeover the given bouding box.

> - How can third party services like geofabrik's shapefile exports (or jXAPI)
> be tied in better?

See above.

Such services could also do conversions (e.g. to Garmin data, another map 
style, open it in JOSM or whatever) and thus offer more ideas what to do with 
the exported data.

Best regards,

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