On 16 October 2012 00:17, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
> On 15/10/12 23:40, Alex Barth wrote:
>> - Translations are a frequent bottleneck for copy changes, unclear how to
>> solve this.
> I'm not sure why you think this, but I can only think it is because you are
> overthinking the issue and aiming for a level of perfection that we are
> never likely to achieve.
> The way it works is this - you don't worry about translations as such at
> all. You just make sure strings are translatable and we commit that and then
> the translators get to work. Yes, when something new launches it will take a
> while to get translated, but that is something we live with as a volunteer
> project and it had worked perfectly well up to now.

It hasn't worked perfectly well up to now - as you've just described.
We should be able to make changes on a staging branch, get
translations sorted, and push live with as little untranslated
material as possible. The current situation, where it's impossible to
get translations ahead of merging into master, along with translation
updates being now-and-then rather than automatically fed back withing
a few tens of minutes, is less than ideal.

I'm not sure why you don't see this as a problem?


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