On 2013-08-08 14:49, Tom MacWright wrote:
Is it really a terrible weight to update JOSM to recognize the new
format? Given that JOSM is on version 6,115 and this is essentially a
'changing a regex' type situation.

Is that a reason to do it? Because other changes are not hard? What _is_ the reason to change it to this format? Is there a reason at all?

Can we stop calling any feature that changes the behavior of the site
"a major step backwards"? Yes, things are different and possibly some
use case you had is different or harder, but realize on the other side
this is (1) generally a beneficial change and (2) the result of a
volunteer already slogging through tens or hundreds of comments on a
GitHub queue and finally getting it through. And, finally, it's
merged... and the first thing we hear is negative criticism about a
corner case that says "you did a bad thing entirely". This is why
nobody wants to code on openstreetmap-website.

Sure, I understand that it may not be welcome to critise changes that somebody worked hard on, but what do you expect, that everything that is done is Good and Proper and you rather not hear critisism? What planet are you on?

And do you know what it is? Somebody puts a request somewhere that they want it changed, some coder implements it and only then the world knows about it and the rest of the world has to change their behaviour because one person wanted it changed. Do-ocracy at work. I never before heard "oh, I would like the URL format changed", or "it's better to have the URL geolocation change when you move the map". That last one was only vaguely mentioned when it came to light that the permalink generation was changed. And even then I didn't see the consequence. Basically: there is no permalink anymore. There is an export link but no permalink. Someone changed the whole meaning of the thing. What I said before: perfectly good functionality has been removed. And I do not see the step forward in that.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Peter Wendorff
<wendo...@uni-paderborn.de> wrote:

Hi Maarten,
the benefit with the new link format, where position and layers are
constantly stored in the part after the hash (#) is that browsers don't
need or assume to need a reload.
If you change the address (before the #) completely, a reload of the
page is necessary, that was the case up to the change.
Now it's not necessary to reload the page to get the correct link in the
address bar.
What you complain is of course an argument straight in the opposite
direction, but both ways are perfectly valid.
You are in fact right that it's not possible any more to determine from
the link which part of the coordinate is latitude and which is
longitude, but it's consistently the same any time, so that's not that
big problem either.
Probably the hash format could better be extended by lat/lon to be
something like #z=15/lat=51.2/lon=8.7

Your complaint about reloading the page to get the initial view back is
IMHO an unusual one as it assumes that you go to the page with a direct
link to a defined position; something which is possible with osm.org [1],
but something nobody cared about in the last days probably.
For this wish I don't have a solution combining your demand with the
benefits of the new hash-format, but probably even there is a solution


Am 08.08.2013 09:16, schrieb Maarten Deen:

On 2013-08-08 09:08, Maarten Deen wrote:
Very nice that the main map now shows a link as standard, but why does
the format have to be changed? Now JOSM needs to be changed because it
does not recognise this type of link.
What was wrong with the old lat= and lon= style? From this link I can
not see what the latitude and longitude is. I have to know in which
order it is.

I'm sorry, but IMHO this is yet another step backward.

Added complaint: before, I could zoom in, move the map, do whatever I
wanted and then reload the screen and I got the initial view back. Now
the map link changes when you zoom or move the map, making it difficult
to get the initial view back. You have to remember to copy the link and
than paste it back again otherwise you will never get the initial view.
Please get the old style link and working back. The fact that there is
no direct visible link to the map is now the least of the problems.


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