On 16/09/13 10:55, Peter K wrote:

is there a kind of a standard or suggestion on how to retrieve the map
key? Like an http API or a leaflet plugin? On osm.org there is only the
'map key' data available for the default layer in the right box. And not
all details are given like here:

Someone knows some open source effort for more details and for support
of the various providers like mapquest, osm.de, cloudmade, ...?

It's all controlled by a YAML file in the source:


So you would need to provide a patch that updated that, with appropriate images and messages in the english locale file for any new names:


Note that I would like to move to using a single sprite image (or maybe one per layer) at some point, rather than lots of little images, so if anybody wanted to tackle that it would be good.

I would just caution that any thought of trying to add everything which is rendered to the key is probably something you should immediately forget about - the result would be insanely long. I would recommend just concentrating on major things and adding the missing layers.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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