
> Peter Wendorff:
> Hi,
> as far as I know all map keys are created by hand.
> I'm not sure what you refer to exactly, but basically I see two things
> which would be great to have:
> 1) some kind of "standard" to retrieve a map key for a given tile set;
> e.g. tile-URL is tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, then search for
> map key information (in a structured format, not html) at
> tile.openstreetmap.org/mapkey.xml
> As far as I know there is nothing like that yet.

Yes, that was what I meant and I think Tom already mentioned similar stuff

> 2) it would be really great to have some automatic map key generation
> out of the style files. For Mapnik that's incredible ugly as mapnik does
> not have any semantic connection between e.g. highway casing, fill and
> label. For CartoCSS (which is used since a while for the default style)
> this might be possible in parts.
> In any case it would require additional information like which label to
> use for a particular feature in the map key, which items should NOT be
> displayed (as Tom mentioned) or in which order items should be displayed.

Probably it is easier to generate a list with all things and
select/order it manually.

> Andy Allan:
> ... I've been developing something that does this. 
> I aim to make it configurable enough to recreate what we have at the
> moment, and to make it easy/feasible for me to create legends for my
> other styles, and to add more functionality like sprite images. The
> ultimate goal is to be able to create legends like the Ordnance survey
> have - for those not familiar with them, have a look at
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/mapnik-legendary and check out the way
> that the railway crossings in the 1:25,000 or water features in the
> 1:50,000 maps are shown for some inspiration.
> Overall, I have no intention of manually updating the legend that we
> have at the moment. If anyone wants to take it on then feel free, but
> my efforts are going into mapnik-legendary

Nice! How does the output look like at the moment? Identical to what Tom
mentioned? At the end it would make no difference if this file is
manually created or by a script. But you should define (with Tom?) a
'standard map key' format!?

IMO a file like the key.yml is all we need and supporting an image
sprite is easy possible via a lookup by the name/id (plus ignoring the
provided png).

Kind Regards,

Am 16.09.2013 11:55, schrieb Peter K:
>> Hi,
>> is there a kind of a standard or suggestion on how to retrieve the map
>> key? Like an http API or a leaflet plugin? On osm.org there is only the
>> 'map key' data available for the default layer in the right box. And not
>> all details are given like here:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Map_Features
>> Someone knows some open source effort for more details and for support
>> of the various providers like mapquest, osm.de, cloudmade, ...?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Peter.
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